victoria falls

Victoria Falls is a beautiful place to visit year-round, but there are certain times of the year when the falls are at their most spectacular.

  • February to May: This is the wet season in Victoria Falls, and the falls are at their fullest during this time. The water is also very turbulent, making it an excellent time for white-water rafting and bungee jumping. However, the weather can be hot and humid, and there is a lot of spray from the falls, making it difficult to see.

vic falls

  • June to August: This is the dry season in Victoria Falls, and the falls are at their lowest during this time. The weather is cooler and more pleasant, and there is less spray from the falls, making it easier to see. However, some activities, such as swimming in the Devil’s Pool, are not possible during this time because the water level is too low.
  • September to November: This is the shoulder season in Victoria Falls, and the falls are at a moderate level. The weather is still pleasant, and there is a good balance of activities that can be enjoyed.
  • If you want to see the falls at their fullest, then February to May is the best time to visit. If you prefer cooler weather and less spray, then June to August is a good time to visit. And if you want to avoid the crowds, then September to November is a great time to visit.
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